“Paying it Forward” at Starbucks

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‘Tis the Holiday Season and time to remember the good in the world pay it forward and reward oneself with the gift of selflessness. In my opinion, acts of random kindness are the most heartfelt; they’re never expected and most often come from the people who you’d least expect. Although I normally blog about Technology, it’s a special time of the year and therefore deserving of a special blog post.

On occasion, while driving to the office, I’ll stop at Starbucks on the corner of Sunrise Blvd and White Rock Rd in Rancho Cordova, CA. I normally order my coffee, sometimes tea or an occasional very berry hibiscus along with a breakfast sandwich. Usually throughout the year I’m in and out without a thought in my mind about what the people in front or behind me are doing. In December something unique fills my blood stream; warmth penetrates through the frosty air and inspires me to give.

When I approach the window I kindly hand the cashier my card and tell him “It’s the holidays, I’ll take care of the car behind me as well”. It’s called “Paying It Forward” and it’s become a bit of a trend at Starbucks reportedly happening about 3 times a week. There have been times when the person behind me ordered a $2 coffee and there’s been a time when it’s been a $30 order for the office crew. No matter the price when the cashier asks me if it’s okay to charge the card I always say yes.

So what’s my point, my goal, my hopes? Simply stated, my goal is to inspire others to do the same and continue the chain, but if this random act of kindness terminates with the car behind me I drive away hopeful that I filled a heart with inspiration and prove that kindness still prevails in this world.

Next time you’re at the Starbucks drive through think about how you could put a smile on someone’s face and fill their heart with hope for human kindness. If you happen to be behind me, consider continuing the chain and reap the reward of selflessness.

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Blog Bio Picture For Todd

I'm the President of WireFlare. I have a passion for creativity, online business and internet security. I strive to create a community that empowers people to be themselves. I'm an adventurist, fun loving and caring. Find me hiking in places most people don't dare to go!

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